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This is the privacy statement of IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV. IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV finds it important that your personal data is well protected. Personal data are processed via our website. For example, we store data when you visit the website and create an account or request information. Because we highly value your privacy, your personal data are carefully processed and protected. IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV complies with the laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection. In this privacy statement we explain what personal data we collect, for what purpose we do this and with whom they can be shared. We can change the privacy statement if new developments give cause to do so. You will always find the most current privacy statement on our website. Furthermore, we will notify you of changes by e-mail or otherwise electronically. The latest version was updated on April 1, 2018. Please consult this privacy statement regularly to be informed of any changes. The person responsible for processing personal data within the meaning of the law is IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV, located in Nieuw Dordrecht at Bladderswijk o.z. 45, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number .  

When does this privacy statement apply?  

This privacy statement applies to all personal data IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV collects and processes from website visitors and users of services and products. By using our website and/or our services and products, you consent to the processing of your personal data according to this privacy statement. If you are younger than 16 years old, you are only allowed to enter data on our website and with the consent of a parent or guardian who has read this privacy statement. We kindly ask you not to enter any personal data on our website without this consent. This privacy statement does not apply to the use and processing of personal data from third party websites that can be accessed through hyperlinks. In addition, IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV is also in no way responsible for third party advertisements. What data do we collect and for what purposes?
The data we collect on the IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV website are data about your visit to our website (including cookies). In addition, we collect the data you leave via the contact form, which may include personal details, address details, e-mail address and telephone number. The information from the contact form is used to respond to the message.We also use the contact details to inform users about developments and information about our products and services, for example by sending newsletters. In order to provide you with a good service, IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV needs the above data from you. The provision of your personal data to IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV is a necessary condition to conclude an agreement with IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV. If you do not provide the data, it is unfortunately not possible to enter into an agreement with IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV. We thus process your data because it is necessary for the execution of the agreement, and further data if you have given us permission to do so. If we process your data based on your permission, you can withdraw this permission at any time. Furthermore, IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV processes data of debtors of customers of IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV. These data are personal details, address data, e-mail address and telephone number, as well as data about payment behavior and communication between debtors and customers of IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV. IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV only uses these data for the execution of the services it offers to its customers. When visiting the website, anonymous statistics are analyzed. Visitors and/or users are not individually tracked in surfing and clicking behavior. We have set up analytical software in accordance with the instruction of the Personal Data Authority, so that the impact on your privacy is minimal.  

Do we use cookies?

We use different types of persistent and session cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer, smartphone or other device when you visit our website. Session cookies are deleted after closing the browser, and relate to a one-time visit. Persistent cookies, which, depending on the type of cookie, are stored for several years, allow us to recognize you the next time you visit our website. Functional or necessary cookies Necessary and functional cookies are used to facilitate logging in to our website and remember your settings and preferences on repeat visits.

Analytical cookies  

The analytical cookies are used to investigate website traffic. For example, we keep track of how you visit our website, how often and for how long you visit certain pages and what your clicking and browsing behavior is. We use third-party cookies for this purpose. For example, we place cookies from Google Analytics, Hotjar and ActiveCampaign. This data is not linked to your name, address or e-mail address, but is only used to gain insight into your visit to our website and to adapt the design of our website accordingly. We have no influence on the further use of this information by these third parties. Please read the privacy policies of these parties for more information.

Tracking pixels
We use tracking pixels in the emails we send to debtors on behalf of our clients. These pixels are only used to register whether a mail has been received and opened. This information is recorded and can be viewed by the customer on whose behalf the communication was sent. This gives that customer insight into the status of communications sent on their behalf. The information collected through tracking pixels is stored in accordance with personal data retention periods.

Deleting and blocking cookies
Session cookies are automatically deleted after each visit. Permanent cookies can be deleted at any time via the browser settings. You can also choose not to allow cookies via the browser settings. Blocking and/or removing cookies can result in the website of IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV no longer (fully) functioning. For more information about blocking and removing cookies, please consult the manual and settings of your browser.  

How long do we keep personal data?

Your personal data will not be kept longer than reasonably necessary given the purposes for which the data was collected. For cookie retention periods, see the Cookies section of this privacy statement. In order to provide our services in the best possible way, we store the data you enter. As long as your account is active, the data will remain stored. When you terminate services or have not used your account on app.IMPAKT Recycling Solutions or demo.IMPAKT Recycling Solutions for a period of 3 years, we will remove the data. You can request IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV to remove or modify data at any time. IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV can choose not to remove certain personal data (immediately) if this is required in view of legal retention periods or if it concerns personal data that IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV keeps on behalf of its customers and the keeping of these data does not make a disproportionate impact on your privacy.  

Which parties have access to which personal data?  

In carrying out its services, IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV may share certain personal data with third parties if reasonably necessary. These parties are:

- IT partners who take care of hosting and maintenance of the website;
- Other partners whose cookies, plug-ins, applications and/or other software we use on the website (see section on cookies);-
- Other third parties who are necessary for the execution of our services and products which in any case include postal processors, bailiffs, suppliers of e-mail, SMS and telephone sending services.

IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV ensures if reasonably possible that these third parties process the data in accordance with this privacy statement and use it only for the agreed purpose. We never sell, distribute or lease your personal data without your permission to third parties whose purpose is to use the data for direct marketing. Only if IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV is legally obliged to do so, personal data will be provided to supervisors, fiscal authorities and investigative agencies. In such cases, IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV will take appropriate measures that are reasonably necessary to ensure that your data are protected as well as possible.  

How do we protect your personal data?  

IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV handles your personal data with care. We take the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss, destruction or unlawful use, which are reasonable given the costs involved and the nature of the personal data. For example, the data you enter via the website is sent encrypted via a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection, and the data is stored on secure servers of IMPAKT Recycling Solutions BV or those of a third party with whom we cooperate. If we cooperate with a third party, we have clear agreements with this party to ensure the protection of personal data.  

Inspection, correction and deletion  

You may request access to your personal data from us at any time. You may also request us to correct, supplement, delete or block your personal data if it is incorrect, incomplete, irrelevant, or otherwise processed in violation of a legal requirement. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. If you have given your consent to the processing of personal data, you have the right to withdraw this consent. You also have the right to data portability. Moreover, within a created account, certain data can be changed by you at any time. If you are subscribed to a newsletter, each newsletter contains instructions on how to unsubscribe. If you have any complaints about the way we handle your data, please let us know so that we can address them. You also have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority.

Questions, objections, requests for inspection, correction and/or deletion of personal data can be sent to: